In 1920, the average person was just becoming aware of the modern age of science and invention. Scientists were discovering new physical laws, new information about the universe, and new information about the human body. It was the beginning of an explosion of research that continues 100 years later. Collier’s Wonder Book: 1920 Edition is a reprint of a collection of articles, photographs, and diagrams published by P. F. Collier and Son Company to explain the latest scientific information in simplified ways. Topics included: airplanes, railroading, automobiles, ships, zeppelins, communications, atomic energy, paranormal topics, sea exploration, machines and tools, radio, wireless communication, welding, astronomy, clouds, blood crystals, volcanoes and natural phenomena, weather, physics, rockets, simian communication, plant and animal life, psychology, cipher decoding, engineering, bridges, spiritualism, ouija boards, firefighting, animals in the movies, and many other topics. Some of the information is ahead of its time. Other articles seem quaint and misguided. A few articles are surprisingly prophetic. All are interesting reading and give us a picture of the early 20th century and its fascination with scientific discovery.
About the author. Janice Harbaugh is a fifth generation Iowan and is devoted to preserving vintage Iowa publications by reprinting them through Raspberry Ridge Publishing. She enjoys playing guitar and biking on the Raccoon River Valley Trail in Iowa.
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