This beautiful piece is hand-drawn and burned onto the beech cutting board. I prep the wood before burning, apply heat and some love, and boom! you’ve got a cutting board you will love forever.
This board is pre-seasoned with Howard’s Cutting Board Oil. I cover generously and allow the oil to sink in overnight for a total of 3 coats. Your board will come with directions for care and management, in a nutshell you need to oil your board once a month or so (the more you use it the more often it will be needed) with food grade mineral oil.
This cutting board is made from beech wood, it measures approx 11.5 x 7.5 inches and is about 1 inch thick.
I smudge each item after it’s completed and infuse some loving reiki energy into my pieces.
Please send me a message if you have any questions!
Check out my shop for other items: (some are soon to come)
– Jewelry
– Magnets
– Crystals and intention based kits
– Smudge sticks and accouterments
Chase your dreams, you can catch them.
Think happy, dream big.
Coming always from a place of love and gratitude for the gifts I’ve been given.
PS- Fun fact: every atom that exists on this planet was formed billions and billions of years ago in a far away star which then went supernova and propelled these little bits that would become you out into the universe.
You, my spectacular and astounding friend, are already a star. SHINE YOUR LIGHT.
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